Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Early evening jogging....

In an attempt to get my flabby tail in shape for my boy Ed's wedding, I have been doing some jogging. I won't call it running just yet, more like a leisurely trot at the moment....but I am getting there.

I know you all are absolutely riveted by my enhanced exercise techniques and all, but that is actually not the reason for this post. It is to relate a tale of my recent jogging excursions, and how not to stay focused.....

I set out on my normal route early yesterday evening. It was fairly humid outside, so that made it a bit more difficult of a run. But that was OK, I decided to change things up and do a circuit instead, laps around a predetermined distance, hoping the repetition would lull me into a meditative and oblivious state.

That was not to be. I was doing my thing and jogging along when I noticed a conspicuously parked car along my route. Pretty much every time I passed, the acts inside said car became increasingly more risqué. First I thought there was a loan occupant of the vehicle...then it became clear there was not. On my final pass, there was full on bare-foot against windshield, hand on window, obscured by "fog" action going on. A bit jarring when you are trying to focus keeping your form right......the best part though is the back winds were open. So each pass was accompanied by sound effects. While I respect the effort...possibly a more secluded place would have been better....

Now I am all for spontaneous boinking, don't get me wrong. In fact, I encourage it. There should be more of that! But seriously on a major thoroughfare, at 7 o'clock in the summer? That is just asking for trouble. I have seen the Cials commericals, so I understand how when the mood strikes and all that...... But for the love of Pete, there were children playing nearby! Think of the children!

On second thought it would be pretty entertaining to hear a parent have to explain why the nice woman is asking for her "daddy to spank her".



Amy said...

What wouldn't be so funny is if the "daddy" was actually the child's daddy. Surprise mommy and good luck explaining this daddy-o. I guess he could use Shaggy's excuse... wasn't me!

Brad said...

I too have come across such an experience, not with the windows down mind you. At that point I believe he/she wanted you to say "mind if I cut in."

RomanX said...

I doubt that. She was probably delirious from the heat!