Sunday, July 13, 2008

The worst week that wasn't.....

Now that we have the first post out of the way, lets get to it shall we?

As I get my blogging legs, I will probably do some shorter simpler posts as I learn the ins and outs of the software. So political commentary will probably make up the bulk of the posts to begin with. Especially since it is currently taking up a large portion of my mental real estate. So I guess I should get to it.

So for those that were following last week should have been an absolutely horrible news cycle for Senator John McCain. How it was not, I can't even begin to explain after the full on media orgy over such diverse and substantive issues as: Tuzla-gate, Bitter-gate, My crazy old preacher-gate and cleavage-gate. I was absolutely ecstatic at the prospect of some in depth coverage of Senator McCain's actual views on certain issues that seem relevant to the running for president. At best, if you go by the cable news commentariat it was a tie this week with regards to it being a bad week for both Obama and McCain.

I will say that I was underwhelmed by how anemic the coverage was. Lets have Senator McCain speak on the subject himself on

Social Security:

Birth Control availability:

Phil Gramm "Top economic advisor":

These are just the items from last week! Great Googley Moogley! Senator McCain is running on his resume and experience as a senator and he just said that younger workers paying for the benefits for senior members of our society is a "disgrace". As someone who has been in politics so long and claims to understand how government works, that shows an appalling lack of knowledge. Note to the senator from Arizona, that is exactly how the system is set up to work and by most standards it has been fantastically successful. Oops, I am forgetting myself here, conservatives have always hated Social Security, so I guess I shouldn't be shocked by this revelation.

Mental note. When trying to woo female voters, it is probably wise to bone up on your voting record on reproductive rights. More to the point, how can you not have a view or make a statement about the idea that insurance companies provide coverage for Viagra, but not for birth control? I don't get that. Either you think it is okay or you don't. Not complicated stuff here. You should not need a policy paper for that. Now the sexual efficacy of men is an issue near and dear to my heart, of course, but honestly if birth control isn't covered then I can't for the life of me see why Viagra would be. It is especially troubling given all the ardor versus abortion on the Right. One would think that you would encourage and promote the use of birth control to lower the rates of abortion? But anyways. So yeah, shorter McCain: I want your vote, but you need to live your life by these precepts that my base has picked out for you.

As to the Phil Gramm comment, well I am crafting a separate post on that subject. So my question is this, why is it that Senator Obama is always cast as out of touch with the common man?


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