Saturday, July 19, 2008


I know there are a fair number of Joss Whedon fans out there. Came across this:

Dr. Horrible's sing-along blog *

I can only describe it as a action-adventure-comedy-musical.

If that doesn't get you to click...I don't know what will!

*edit- If I had read Mr. Whedon's "plan" I would have known it was a limited availability sort of thing. Anyways there is some information on the site (updated the link). If you are a fan of iTunes I would recommend checking it out.



Amy said...

I love Doogie Howser! I wish he was one of my gays.

RomanX said...

"Amy and the gays" is that the sequel to Ann of Green Gables?

Amy said...

I do not believe so. If memory serves, I think it was the prequel to Perfect Strangers… possibly the gayest show ever on TV, prior to Queer Eye.

RomanX said...

Sorry going to go with "Bosom Buddies" here as far as "gayest" show ever. Or maybe that is the "trannyest" show.....

Amy said...

That is too funny! I almost went with Bosom Buddies but the whole Tom Hanks thing makes it less gay, since he's been happily married for so long.