Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Today's post will mainly be things that I feel do not warrant a post of their own.

  • The Crackmonkeys won a barn burner on Sunday versus the HDC! The Monkeys rallied after a late push by HDC to re-take the lead and end the game via slaughter rule, to avenge an earlier loss. Once again, the Monkeys played solid defense. Everyone contributed mightily to the win, but special shout outs to everyone but the third baseman. In other news the team mascot was injured in a vicious collision with home plate.

  • If you haven't see it just yet I recommend taking a look at Senator John McCain's newest ad of the campaign. I must say, that the ad itself is just flat out misleading and in some cases blatantly lying on the issues at hand. It really does come off as rather churlish.

  • Visited 88 Broadway this weekend. The atmospherics are interesting the bar it self has a good design, but I am not sure if the layout helps with the general feel of the place. With the pianos, there really should be more people up and standing...get the crowd involved. Also the service was kind of bad. I am more then happy to chalk it up to the troubles of a freshly opened restaurant/bar. The problems seemed to be of an organizational nature, the staff just did not seem to have any set pattern. That being said, I am more then willing to give it a try in a couple more weeks as they get the kinks out, it could be an interesting place to hang out. Plus I didn't get to try the fondue!

  • Weekend Highlights: Mike got stoned. Literally. Some kids were throwing rocks off of the top of a parking garage at him. Ahhh...the price of fame! Holly, Webbie and I, got propositioned by a drunk crazy guy. He tried to entice us with half a kilo of cocaine. Now one might think this was a potentially dangerous situation (lord knows I did!). But bless those girls hearts, they handled the situation better then I was! They were more intrigued by the notion of whether he really had the kilo or not. In my head I was imagining them haggling with the dude over how much "blow" they could get, which in and of it self made me laugh. Sorry girls, but the idea of you two involved in a drug buy is just comedy gold. On the upside if I ever decide to go to Cancun and go on a coke and speed bender I know exactly who I will want at my side!* And Scot, as usual. Was just as cool as the other side of the pillow.
Hopefully more to come later, I injured my hand in a softball game so typing is a bit slow today.

*This post should in no way be seen as advocating the use of illegal substances, however propositioning random girls on the street is completely okay.


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