Thursday, July 17, 2008


Wee bit tired today so just going to go with some links. Sadly no, rabid discourse on FISA or torture today though they are coming.....

But some assorted and hopefully interesting links.

To dovetail with Mike's love of the LoLcats, I thought I would follow up with my favorite and appropriately named Failblog. An example:

Words absolutely fail me on this: Liquid Virgin
They are right. I can't believe it.

And fellas when your gal tells you she is off to the spa for a massage, keep an eye out if she seems just a bit "too relaxed".

If you thought the media would waste their time covering substantive events, like you know, the current debate on the two wars we are engaged in. You were wrong!



hollywood! said...

I didn't realize that you were such a "fashionista." You might enjoy this site:

RomanX said...

Interesting site. I haven't really done a lot of fashion related stuff just yet. Some peeps with pokey sticks (not the edible variety, though that would be a nice bribe!) are trying to get me to codify some rules. So I am trying to get that to a manageable level. Till then FISA, and the veritable capitulation of the democratic party has been drawing my ire.

Unknown said...

I can has happy ending?

RomanX said...

Nice l33t speak there M! I have to wonder is there like a menu or something? "Sign here for the...."