Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Dick move of the day....

I have to salute Debra Bartoshevich and Mark Halperin on their amazing levels of dickery.

Debra, if you are truly a supporter of Senator Clinton and her values, why would you support a man who is counter to everything she stands for? More importantly how come during a press conference you stated, with out a bit of irony, that McCain will not seek to overturn Roe vs. Wade, and not to even mention his votes against SCHIP or his lack of votes on any alternative energy bills this year. If you do not know the platform of your candidate, you do not deserve to vote.

Oh Mark, you are just an idiot. When freakin' Cokie Roberts doesn't agree with your GOP frame, you know you are in trouble. You sir are just an idiot. Your mendacity shall live on to show future generations how journalism is not done! Perfidy of this level is surely a work of art. The obfuscation and utter wrong headedness are startling behold.

It is now obvious I have been watching a different campaign then you have sir. Since Senator McCain has been respectful of Senator Obama, and hasn't impugned his patriotism, or tried to paint him as the other...and above all, has talked about the policy differences as opposed to just lying about his opponents record....

Oh wait.....

See what they did...made me write two really long run on sentences.....damn you both and your dickish hackery!


Ed said...

I love this, I knew the Democrats would screw-up another opportunity to get a good candidate into office. I just didn't realize they would willfully vote in the other guy! I remember this cropping up early in the primaries, but I thought it was just a bit of sabre rattling (ha, the democrats rattling the sabre, that's a good one).

Halperin isn't drinking the kool-aid, he's snorting the kool-aid mix...

RomanX said...

I am serious, I think they literally think the American people are stupid. They may be right on that...