Thursday, August 14, 2008

Word of the week and a mental health break......

This weeks word is a reader submission. Not sure if I should be insulted or not.....


No offense Roman, but that post you did on the attorney general seemed a bit didactic.

Also I am on the verge of slipping into a apoplectic fit over the last week. Whether it is the release of the Obama Nation by Jerome Corsi (The New York Times does an interesting write-up on this "non-fiction" book), or Joe Lieberman trying desperately to dethrone Rush Limbaugh as wanker of the century and failing. The conflict in Georgia. The maneuvering by the campaigns and Senator McCain not know what the hell he is talking about or maybe situational irony is lost upon him. I am sure a massive post of some sort is coming.....

That combined with a bunch of friends going through some stressful times, Mike's computer is on the fritz, Ed, Kelly, Leigh, and Monika are planning weddings, X-tina is getting her doctorate groove on and Mariah is studying like a maniac for the LSAT's. We could use a little pick-me-up. So it is good if we all take a moment out of the day during our hectic lives to just relax, unwind and let go.

When I am having it rough...this song always comes to mind....

....and it makes me giggle....


Brad said...

bursting into spontaneous song and dance really is a life goal of yours. I'm sure you could pull of the tune and the dancing but the red dress would be a bit scary!

Brad said...
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RomanX said...

We don't be toleratin' no double posts!

Anonymous said...

Glenn giggles...awesome. Thats why you're so much better "live".

Dr. X-Tina said...

I have mastered the art of patience, and am surely not in a hurry for anything.