Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Odds and ends....

Just a quick round up of recent events.

  • Was down in St. Louis this weekend celebrating the pending nuptials of my pal Ed and his soon to be blushing bride Kelly. I always get a bit melancholy going to bachelor parties. It is one of those life changing events (marriage), which makes you reflect on those heady days of ill-spent youth. Drinking and carousing around town, from the High Dive to the Red Rock! Those days are soon to be at their end. Soon to be replaced by discussions of nurseries and daycare! It is amazing and ironic that we commemorate this transition to adulthood by making prostrate and besotted sacrifices to bronzed and be-thonged goddesses. Avatars of our lost promiscuity and half-remembered virility, as if, to apologize for trading the potential for the concrete. Choosing stability and emotional fulfillment over the genetic imperative to copulate with anything that moves. A trade, I might add, that Ed seems more then happy to make. But I digress, it was a grand ole time, the new Busch stadium is pretty swanky, and the rest of the evening held plenty of booze, Lucite and silicon to make any male proud. As good a sport as Ed was, I do have to give a special shout out to Helmut (forgive the spelling). His perseverance in finding the quintessential stripper experience was awe inspiring. Also the sheer number of amateur interlopers was amazing....Nick, Jerrod, and Steve....I have high expectations of you all at the wedding....Next time in St. Louis...we are doing the circuit....

  • Also the Crackmonkeys managed to pull yet another one out of the fire on Sunday. Though by seasons end half the team may well need to up their health care coverage. Once again, it was the fabulous gals of the monkeys that powered the win. Their commitment and solid play have been the real story of the season. So if there is ever a book written about this storied season most of it would be about them, all I ask is that in the movie version I be played by Lawrence Fishburne, and that Sonic be the main sponsor. To make Holly happy of course.



Ed said...

I'm glad you didn't weave your little diatribe concerning the end of days on the day of the party.... sheesh... Debbie Downer... waaahwahhhh.....

RomanX said...

Hey, I was trying to wax philosophical on the sanctity of marriage, and all that jazz...instead I could have made comments about your man tackle being kept in a jar by Kelly! Actually I was going to do a bit about you doing lines off a dancers buttocks! :-)

Eclectic Bride-Wife-Mom said...

Is this the night you called me convinced you'd seen my sorority sister? I think you actually called me "dude" as you hung up. Sounded like a fun time.