Friday, August 1, 2008

Offshore drilling B.S

I know that polls are starting to show public movement towards the notion of increases offshore drilling, and how it will supposedly help lower gas prices. I hope we can all see that for the gimmick that it is, but perhaps that it too much to hope for. So to help out, with why it is being pushed so hard I thought I would pass along this little graph to help illustrate what is really going on:

That point would correspond to when Senator McCain reversed his opposition to increased offshore drilling. I won't even point out that oil companies are not currently drilling on all the land they currently have leased or that there is a 2-3 year lag time on getting the equipment to scout, drill or even place a new oil rig in operation.

PDF copy of the study, information taken from FEC records. Yes I randomly read studies on campaigns finances. Anyone shocked by that? Didn't think so. And it wasn't that was on Think I didn't just google search it!

*edited-Christina guilted me into adding a citation for the graph!


Dr. X-Tina said...

With such dramatic graphic demonstrations that some may consider to be doctored, I would suggest a citation.

RomanX said...

Sure I can get that which news organization would you like. And this is a blog honey....I can write whatever scurrilous information I want with my cheeto stained fingers from my mom's basement!

Amy said...

Even with the citation, correlation does not equal causation. I should hope a presidential hopeful would raise that sort of cash in that time frame. I do not know how else one would run a campaign.

RomanX said...

No correlation does not equal causation. But you can definitly intuit motive at times....