Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Illegal is as illegal does....

Like the script of an old Batman episode the Riddler queries:

Riddle me this: When is breaking the law not a crime?

The answer? Evidently whenever the current administration breaks the law.

The number of illegal actions this administration has taken is becoming legion. From the amendments to Fisa (retro-actively inoculating officials from civil prosecution) to the indefinite detainment of individuals at Guantanamo bay Cuba, to the firing/hiring of DoJ officials due to insufficient fealty to the President, it has become increasingly hard to even work up sufficient umbrage when their lawlessness is brought to light.

For example we have this breaking story that DoJ officials won't be prosecuted for illegal hiring practices, with perhaps the best money quote ever from the current Attorney Micheal Mukasey:

"Not every wrong, or even every violation of the law, is a crime. In this instance, the two joint reports found only violations of the civil service laws."
Now part of this statement is completely true. Not every wrong is crime. Telling your girlfriend she should put the tub of double mocha fudge destruction delight down, because you fear that the earth might spin off its axis because of the gravitational attraction between her gigantic ass and the moon, thereby killing all life on the planet; while intemperate and shallow is not criminal. Definitely wrong, but not a prosecutable offense. However, politicizing the man organ for law enforcement in the republic, so that serves your whim as opposed to the Constitution for the people of that republic, well that is just belies some "systemic" issues that can be handled by management changes. It isn't a crime, it's just unfortunate. But rest assured, "that steps have and will be taken so that it does not happen again".

I disagree with that sentiment. It is wrong, it is a violation of the law, and it is a crime. These individuals should be prosecuted, they should be stripped by the Bar Association and personally I wouldn't mind a nice "perp walk" or two.

The above statement in and of itself encapsulates the mentality of the Bush administration. It is nothing less then the complete disregard for any sort of accountability on their parts. There are established laws that prohibit federal entities from using political or ideological litmus tests, yet we are told that no one will be held accountable for that. It seems the "civil service laws" are merely guidelines. In their minds, nothing they do is wrong, because they only have righteous goals. We should have seen this years ago.

But this is the country we live in now. Where time and time again, our current administration, says, "Trust us. We have your best interests in mind!". Yet at every turn the only interests that seem to be served are those of the administration.

I will say this and I will say it only once, if McCain wins, then we have completely validated all the commentary about the general stupidity of the American public. I don't know if Obama will be a good president or not. But how can anyone justify letting these individuals continue on the path they have been on the last 8 years? That is what a vote for McCain means. More wars, more impotent posturing, more empty rhetoric on our "greatness" and more precious blood lost. Not in the defense of our republic or its people but to satiate the ideology of neo-conservatives. Where is the justice in that?


Brad said...

You know, that little speech would have fit quite nicely in the movie V for Vendetta. Just remind me 8 years from now to vote for you for President... but only if Ben Stein is your VP.

RomanX said...

Trust me if I run for office you would do well to be suspicious....I totally have a list...and I have little doubt that I would be corrupted quite thoroughly. First comes the power...then the sex scandal!

Dr. X-Tina said...

Hum...since you can't cheat on a wife, I'm not sure if I want to know what all a GW sex scandal would entail, midgets perhaps?

RomanX said...

And at least one goat......

Brad said...

Midgets eh? Going to the George Lucas Farm then I suppose. Along the lines of your list... as long as it doesn't involve genocide, I'm sure you'll be fine. Oh, and I can't wait to hear your plan on whom may have children and whom may not!

RomanX said...

Genocide is so specific....what if you target "stupidity" or "ignorance"? It might look like genocide at first...but honestly is anyone going to miss Alabama or West Virginia?

As to the children issue..well...I am guessing once I am control...you won't have to wonder...just ignore the slightly metallic after taste of the water.