Saturday, August 2, 2008

From the "Lou".....

For the record Fat Tire beer is not your friend.

Ed and Kelly are quite gracious hosts....

And a new one for me...while discussing politics it was determined that some of our group are "pro-internet" and at least one is "pro-gravity"!

For the record, I am staunchly "anti-gravity"!


Brad said...

If only there were a candidate for president that was "anit-gravity." Sigh...
On another note, this was in our paper today:
"John McCain, the father of private school students, criticized Democratic rival Barack Obama on Friday for choosing private over public school for his kids."
What is this campaign coming to anyway???

RomanX said...

Basically, the McCain camp has decided that the only way to win, is to tear down his opponent in every conceivable fashion, whether legitmate or not...that is the road they are on. Also I think Senator McCain actually is comtemptuous or jealous that Obama is even in the race....but that is another matter...

Amy said...

For the record, I am pro-creation. Wait... what??? =)