Monday, August 25, 2008

Weekend Redux.....

So I made it over to Springfield for the Obama-Biden campaign event. It was pretty cool I was actually impressed with what the city had done to make the whole thing a less horrible experience. The line moved at a fairly brisk pace, and this is even considering that it was over 4 blocks long when we got there. There were plenty of merchants selling water, and the like, I am sure the local businesses were absolutely loving the influx of cash. I bought some buttons, and wished I had bought a shirt considering the sheer amount of sweat that I was generating. I did feel sorry for the elderly and the young children out though, it was brutal out there.

The speech was good on both ends. Biden is not the orator that Obama is, but what he lacks in eloquence he more then makes up for in sheer force of delivery. Obama spoke on Biden's statesmen like qualities and Biden gave Obama the sort of tethered blue-collar backing some think he needs. If you haven't had a chance to hear the speeches here is the text. Or if you would like to hear it:


I think both of them hit the right note. Biden was on point in his attacks on McCain, Obama came off as level-headed and pragmatic. Even with all the heat, the crowd was definitely into it. Hopefully I will have some pictures for you all later in the week. So you all can get a feeling for the sheer size of the mob.


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